Tuesday, February 9, 2016

~Mardi Gras~

Who would guess that Mardi Gras is a church holiday?!?
Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday.
In England it's called Shrove Tuesday derived from shrive; meaning "confess."
     In case you didn't notice by my background I am kind of excited about it. Not only is it my two favorite colors (purple meaning justice and green meaning faith), but it's about eating! Fat Tuesday is about celebrating the day before Ash Wednesday- the day Lent starts! Fasting doesn't seem to be a common practice anymore, but tradition stands that you we are to fast during the Lenton season. So Fat Tuesday turned into a celebration of having the last feast of "sweets and fats" before fasting and prayer.
     Did you know in Ireland they celebrate the entire week before Ash Wednesday. They call it Shrovetide, and their special thing is pancakes- PANCAKES! Which thanks to the brilliance of my son we are having our own party at home tonight. We will be making purple and green chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon!
     Like all things in America, we have turned an at one time acceptable holiday into a week of alcohol and flashing. For a Christian to admit they are participating in Mardi Gras would turn heads. Speaking of I saw the coolest article in the local paper Sunday: a church in another town is having a Mardi Gras night! They are having a jazz band and serving pancakes/waffles! That is what I want for the church I am meant to lead!
Speaking of the Lenten season though... I will be fasting this year!!
I am super excited!!!!!
     When I did my first fast for Lent it was three years ago. I was so healthy and happy! The mountain top of being with God was amazing! God has been leading me into this for a while now. I will be doing a Daniel fast, but allowing chicken occasionally at my dinner meals for closeness with my husband. Also, this year for my fast I am pre-arranging a "pass" for dinner on my son's birthday and for Valentine's Day dinner with my husband! I have two major things I will be praying for during my fast: the youth ministry of our church and a very personal matter. I am very excited to say that I took an idea out of this book I am reading and have invited three very close women to join me for dinner once a week through Lent to help in prayer. I am so excited about these dinners!! It's not just for me, but so I can be there for them as well.

     I encourage you all to party with pancakes and wear PURPLE, green, or gold today! Please take a minute and pray. Ask God what needs prayer this Lent? What do you need to put down?

PRAY: **Lord, please help me to grow closer to you! This Lent we take a journey to follow you to the cross. You laid down your life for mine. Show me what in my life needs to be laid down so I can follow more closely. Is it my social media, my anger, an unhealthy activity/hobby, or my attitude? Lent is more than just eating a special diet, it is about praying honestly and frequently so I can hear you Lord! Bless my endeavors this Lent and all your believers, Amen.**

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