Friday, November 21, 2014

Worth a read!

 My last class, Intro to Old Testament, our instructor brought in this book he was reading. It's one of those where you read a paragraph a day.  I love the book!!! (My instructor gave me his, lol.)
The author is awesome... Frederick Buechner. The book is called Listening to Your Life.
It is a compilation from all of the books that he has written.

This is worth the whole book:

                    "Israel did not want to be a holy nation. Israel wanted to be a nation like
                    all other nations, a nation like Egypt, like Syria. She wanted clout. She
                    wanted security. She wanted a place in the sun. It was her own way she
                    wanted, not God's way; and when the prophets got after her for it, she got
                    rid of the prophets, and when God's demands seemed too exorbitant, God's
                    promises too remote, she took up with all the other gods who still get our
                    votes and our money and our 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. energies, because they are
                    gods who could not care less whether we are holy or not, and promise
                    absolutely everything we really want and absolutely nothing we really need."  
                                                                        -Frederick Buechner, The Clown in the Belfry

Was he really talking about Israel a couple thousand years ago or is he talking
about America today? Or my co-worker? Sometimes even me!

Hello! Hello!

 Wow!! It has been a busy a month already, lol.
I apologize for not writing, but I had a few Saturdays to get through.  Starting in October I had a children's fall party for our church, then my personal Halloween party, then my last two classes for school, and finally our church's craft fair! Whew!
I must say that the Lord is AWESOME!!
Our Fall Party for the kids at church was amazing! My last two classes were awe-inspiring. I loved my instructor and I learned so much. Kind of bummed that I have to wait until the end of January for my next class to start. (Intro to Theology!!) Then the craft fair did good! (I'm glad it's done for another year though, lol.) Several months worth of work for a seven hours of a day, lol.
Hard to believe that I'm already planning towards the New Year... Yikes!
Got Thanksgiving and Christmas....both sides of the family will be here for Christmas!
Then I really wanted to do a New Year lock-in at the church for the kids, but that may have to be on the agenda for next year, lol. Too late to plan that I think. I am working on the finishing touches to hopefully start a women's study/get together group at church on Saturdays. Patiently waiting on my class schedule for January & February. My son's birthday is the end of February, and to round out March.... planning a Breast Cancer Fundraiser bowshoot at our club and then my wonderful husband's birthday!!
I am so excited lately I cannot stand it, lol.
God is good all the time...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November is...Diabetes Awareness Month!

I am a Type 1 diabetic!
Which means that I will have to take insulin the rest of my life. T1 specifically is an autoimmune disease were my pancreas has stopped producing insulin for my body. Insulin breaks down sugar, and sugar is in almost everything we eat.
I was diagnosed when I was 16, and it was a long struggle to come to terms with it.
Diabetes can do bad things to our bodies if not taken care of properly.
I blacked out and totaled my dad's truck, and it was truly a miracle that I walked away alive. I spent 2-3weeks in 3 different hospitals over a 4 month span which resulted in my medical withdrawal from a college and career I had waited my entire life for. In two of those hospital stays I about died, and in one I was in a coma for 3 days. My insulin pump- which I depend on to keep me healthy- has quit which put me into the hospital. While pregnant with my son I had a seizure.
Through all of that God has stood by me and protected me.
If I look at all that and can't believe that He kept me alive for a greater purpose then I have nothing.
So I challenge you to the Sock It To Diabetes Challenge!
Take a picture of your socks, post it with why or who you are doing it for,
and challenge 3 other people!
I am doing this so that one day we will have a cure for diabetes!