Monday, February 29, 2016

What is there to eat?

     This is basically my special shelf of the pantry when I do a Daniel Fast. Please understand that there is so much more you can eat, but I am slightly picky. There should also be salad and canned corn and peas up there, but I was out and can not find any in the stores right now. (That's a paragraph found below.)
     My days have a pretty set routine when it comes to eating on my fast. Mornings I have apples and peanut butter. You have not had amazing peanut butter until you have tried Smucker's Natural- ground peanuts and some salt- that's it! It's what I buy all the time since the first time I fasted. Fruit makes up my breakfasts and my snacks. Apples are the natural coffee of the world, and no caffeine! Easy smoothies for me are pineapple, ice, and some coconut water. (Squeeze an orange and toss in a banana- even better!) I usually freeze the bananas and blend them afterwards then I have banana ice cream that I usually have to share with my son.
     Lunches are usually refried beans and rice. Maybe a rice cake or salad or more fruit, lol. The trick to buying refried beans is to always get the fat free! When you read the ingredients label they usually use animal meat fat- that's a no on the Daniel Fast. This is a good example on acceptable refried beans.
     Dinner in my house while I am fasting can be disjointed. I will usually make a soup for myself on Sunday nights and divide it up for the week. Meanwhile I am still fixing dinner for my hubby and son. My two favorite soups are black and white chili and a vegetable soup I modified from our beef stew recipe.
     FYI- Did you know that it takes 40 days to form a habit? Lent is 40 days... just an observation.
     Be careful when shopping! Always check the ingredients when buying anything on your fast. I always assumed canned vegetables were just that. Vegetables and water... that's how we canned growing up. That is not true of today's world.
^See. Canned peas contain sugar! A lot of canned vegetables contain sugar. Buying canned beans or potatoes- look at the ingredients they will contain chemicals "to keep them white."
     Stick to it! It is so worth it in the end. You will realize while shopping that being healthy is not cheap. That is the big struggle I have. My health- physically and spiritually- are so much more valuable! The blessing of discipline in God's name rewards with blessings!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

No Truer Words...

     I read an article some time ago that has constantly had me thinking. It was about how we teach children that everyone goes to heaven, and in that sense we are lying to them. Teaching them a misconception about heaven, and raising them to be disappointed later. 
     It is something that I have kept in the back of mind while raising my son. He is fortunate that so far in his life we have only lost one family member, and I was blessed to be able to say to my son in truth that she went to heaven.

Monday, February 15, 2016



     There is always something cheesy about Valentine's Day, but it's truly a day to sit down and think about the ones you love and who loves you. I am blessed by my husband. He has made me a stronger woman. I am following our American Baptist Home Mission's instagram photo challenge for Lent. Today's word was Covenant...
     We have a great covenant with our Lord. It was given to us through the greatest love letter ever written (Bible). Today is an amazing day to take in the love of our savior. To know that one man gave his life so that I may live. That is true love. That is a love I never want to take for granted. I cannot see my Bible as anything other than God's love letter to me. He wants me to know what I have been given. I have been given a history, a story about mine and his relationship from the very beginning to the very end. Isn't that what every girl dreams of?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fasting 101

Don't decide today that you are going to start fasting tomorrow!!
    This girl knows better, but believe it or not I got so excited about Lent that I jumped right into it without preparing. So yesterday I spent the afternoon at my doctors' office.  I had decided to do the Daniel Fast last week, and when you grow closer to God you will be attacked by the devil.
     Tuesday I started getting ill. My blood sugars were not coming down, I could tell I was getting my sinus infection back, and overall I just felt like blah. Wednesday was the first day of my fast and I felt like that was even worse than the first time I fasted. I was really sick Wednesday and it took all of my willpower to stick to my fast. Yesterday I woke up feeling worse so by noon I decided I had to get into my endocrinologist. We had a long talk about my fast and now I am back on the road to recovery.

Part 1: Pray for Goal
     I had to start at the beginning- like I should have done at least two weeks ago. Preparation for Lent is more than spiritual. It is more than heart. It is more than head planning. Lent and Fasting require a serious conversation with God about the purpose. "Why am I fasting?" I am set on why I am fasting. God has been nudging and guiding me on this for several months now. I want to reach the youth in our community and I can't do it alone. Also, my husband needs a Godly man in his circle.
     So part one: The goal of my fast is prayer for my youth group and a assistant, and for a Godly man to come into my husbands' life.

Part 2: Pray for Guidelines
     My doctor and I had to go over some major issues I have with my health at the current time: my sugars and a serious sinus infection that is causing me to get surgery. When I first called her she was shocked and upset at me when I said I was fasting. I was equally shocked by her reaction. When I got to her office and we started our discussion it was quickly cleared up that our interpretations of fasting were different. She assumed I was on a bread and water fast; that would not be good for this diabetic. Our discussion went on that I had set some guidelines for my fast, but not all of them. **If you have special medical conditions ALWAYS make sure you are consulting your doctor!**
     Here are some serious things you need to consider when setting up your fast:
     What time frame am I doing this in? I have had in my head that February was Lent, and I was planning on fasting for the rest of February. For some reason I knew Easter was the end of March, but the six weeks of Lent hadn't connected. So I felt obligated to fast for the entire 40days, and I was struggling with that. After prayer it is settled that I will fast until the first Friday of March when I have my next doctor appointment. If I am getting better (which I believe I will be) I will continue my fast through Easter.
     What am I fasting from? As mentioned before, I am doing a Daniel Fast this year. The simplest way I know how to explain it is think strict vegan; no meat, animal by-product (eggs, milk, etc.), sugars, fats, processed foods, chemicals, or beverages. My Daniel fast diet is a lot of water, a lot of fruits, a lot of peanut butter, and a lot of rice and refried beans! Today it is easy to find recipes anywhere; my favorite is pinterest. Just because you are participating in Lenten fasting does not mean you are abstaining from food. One year for Lent I fasted from cuss words. My guidelines to that fast were that every time I failed I prayed, and I put a dollar in my Love Gift box (it is a donation our church takes up at the end of the month).
     What is my allowance during my fast? The first time I did the Daniel fast I did not give myself an allowance (an "excused pass" on something). This year I already planned on two passes, but after discussion with my doctor I am planning three, possibly four. Since Valentine's Day and my son's birthday are both in February I wanted to be able to share them with my guys. So our Valentine's dinner will be my first pass to have a regular meal with my husband. The second is for my son, I have been planning the day of his birthday off to surprise him by taking him to Chucky Cheese's and I didn't take that into consideration with my last minute jump on my fast. Three is my son's actual birthday party with the family. The possibility of the fourth is if my fast goes into March; my husband's birthday is in March and all he ask is dinner at his favorite place.
Part 3: Prayer = Preparation
     The struggle is real. The first time I fasted the first four days were the hardest for me. It is a lot to adjust to for some people. Pringles and mini yorks live in my desk at work- no joke! Snacking is a killer for diabetics, and it's my greatest strength, lol. Throwing myself the one week curve ball of a Daniel fast left me no time to pray and prepare though. God is our rock, but God truly becomes your rock when you are fasting. Those first days I think I leaned harder on Him then I knew was possible. Fasting is spiritual warfare. No matter what you are fasting from once you start- stick to it! We stumble and we fall, but we always get back up. As with every step of fasting, pray. You can never pray enough for strength, for fulfillment, for His will, and the list goes on. The next basic preparation is: don't make it harder on yourself than necessary. What did Kelli forget to do the end of last week? Clean out the snack drawers of the desk at work. Nothing worse Wednesday than having a big bag of chips just chilling in the drawer that sits face level with me... With my first fast I had the time of preparation to clear the junk food out of the house and at work. I had time two weeks to grocery shop for appropriate foods. I had time to research recipes. Preparation is prayer and setting your environment for achievement.

Part 4: Do it!
     Enjoy your fast! I keep a journal when I fast. It is an excellent way of tracking your growth, feelings, and insight that God is opening you to. Fast is substituting something not healthy in your life for prayer and time with God. Never forget that integral step. We have prayed all the way to the start of the fast, don't forget to include it in the days to come. A simple suggestion of mine, the first time I fasted I read through the book of Daniel and then the book of Esther. These are excellent books to read in partnership with a fast. This fast I have started in Mark. My goal is to read through the Gospels by Easter. Never be ashamed to answer questions either. Our lives are our witness to the world. Be open and sharing about your fast it is a demonstration to others. I had the greatest blessing this morning of finding out that a co-worker was inspired by my fast to read through the Bible again, and two other co-workers have decided to fast from alcohol! AMEN!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

~Mardi Gras~

Who would guess that Mardi Gras is a church holiday?!?
Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday.
In England it's called Shrove Tuesday derived from shrive; meaning "confess."
     In case you didn't notice by my background I am kind of excited about it. Not only is it my two favorite colors (purple meaning justice and green meaning faith), but it's about eating! Fat Tuesday is about celebrating the day before Ash Wednesday- the day Lent starts! Fasting doesn't seem to be a common practice anymore, but tradition stands that you we are to fast during the Lenton season. So Fat Tuesday turned into a celebration of having the last feast of "sweets and fats" before fasting and prayer.
     Did you know in Ireland they celebrate the entire week before Ash Wednesday. They call it Shrovetide, and their special thing is pancakes- PANCAKES! Which thanks to the brilliance of my son we are having our own party at home tonight. We will be making purple and green chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon!
     Like all things in America, we have turned an at one time acceptable holiday into a week of alcohol and flashing. For a Christian to admit they are participating in Mardi Gras would turn heads. Speaking of I saw the coolest article in the local paper Sunday: a church in another town is having a Mardi Gras night! They are having a jazz band and serving pancakes/waffles! That is what I want for the church I am meant to lead!
Speaking of the Lenten season though... I will be fasting this year!!
I am super excited!!!!!
     When I did my first fast for Lent it was three years ago. I was so healthy and happy! The mountain top of being with God was amazing! God has been leading me into this for a while now. I will be doing a Daniel fast, but allowing chicken occasionally at my dinner meals for closeness with my husband. Also, this year for my fast I am pre-arranging a "pass" for dinner on my son's birthday and for Valentine's Day dinner with my husband! I have two major things I will be praying for during my fast: the youth ministry of our church and a very personal matter. I am very excited to say that I took an idea out of this book I am reading and have invited three very close women to join me for dinner once a week through Lent to help in prayer. I am so excited about these dinners!! It's not just for me, but so I can be there for them as well.

     I encourage you all to party with pancakes and wear PURPLE, green, or gold today! Please take a minute and pray. Ask God what needs prayer this Lent? What do you need to put down?

PRAY: **Lord, please help me to grow closer to you! This Lent we take a journey to follow you to the cross. You laid down your life for mine. Show me what in my life needs to be laid down so I can follow more closely. Is it my social media, my anger, an unhealthy activity/hobby, or my attitude? Lent is more than just eating a special diet, it is about praying honestly and frequently so I can hear you Lord! Bless my endeavors this Lent and all your believers, Amen.**

Monday, February 8, 2016

# SB 50...

Did you see my Broncos?!?!?!  WOOT!
Now on to the topic at hand...
     During the pregame event the NFL did a MVP Tribute. When Tom Brady came out the stadium was booing! I am not a Brady fan or even a Patriots fan- let us just be clear on that. I still feel incredibly disappointed that people would be so disrespectful to the whole thing by doing that though.
     You can say whatever you want to about Brady. That is your right. What I am saying though is this: GRACE. Despite his ego and his actions he is still a human being deserving of grace.
     Go ahead and tell me everything that is bad about him. What he did is no different than what anyone else has ever done on this planet. People steal, people kill, spouses cheat, etc... Betrayal to God is human yet He still has prepared a place of honor for us, and does not boo us when we arrive.
     Ok, he never admitted he cheated. Ok, he-- blah-blah-blah...
     Where is the Christian love?!? God's grace?! If we ask God to forgive us we are not required to go to the media and say that we have done so! We don't know what or if Brady has talked to God about what he has done. Why are we judging him nationally? Why are proving that we are not loving-forgiving Christians???

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wings clipped

     I was listening to For King and Country in the car and it reminded me of this time when my sister wanted a parrot.
     She did so much research to set her reasons for having a bird. Of course my parents' answer was no. I knew the thought of having a bird in the house was not acceptable to either my parents or my grandparents, but let it never be said that my sister is not persistent. We just happened to be in a pet store during that time, and they had a parrot who just hopped from branch to branch. I remember my sister explaining to me what they did to birds in order to keep them as pets. They have to have their flight feathers clipped. To keep a bird it would have to have certain feathers cut so it could not fly away.

"You're a lion full of power who forgot how to roar,
You're an eagle full of beauty but you can't seem to soar."
                                -"Run Wild" by For King & Country

     These big beautiful birds are created by God to fly and just so "man" can keep them to satisfy our want of their beauty we have to destroy it's purpose. I am not one of those hugely-vocal-animal-rights'-people, but I can't look at these creatures and not see myself.
    We are animals in captivity. Let's face it, there are a large percentage of claimed Christians who don't use/believe/acknowledge the power that they have! We are like animals sitting at the zoo. The devil keeps us in this pretty cage of the world; clipping our wings, putting pretty diamond collars on us, etc.

"Are the walls to lock you in or to keep others away,
And if the doors were to be opened would you leave or would you stay,"
                               -"Run Wild" by For King & Country

     There is a big cat preserve about an hour from my home. My husband and I visited it last spring along with my son and in-laws (my husband and I participated in a 5K fundraiser for them). Their number one purpose was to help these cats finish living out their lives. All of the cats were there because they cannot be returned to their natural habitats! These are cats that have been raised with attempts at domestication, cross breeding, and various other situations that do not know how to survive the way they were created to. I will also be the one to say that I would love to own a white tiger, but did you know that white tigers are unnatural? Every single white tiger on the planet is inbred and with that inbreeding comes a lot of health problems; all the white tigers had either eyesight, dental, and/or neurological issues. The workers were explaining that most of these animals would not know what to do if they were released into the wild.

     Wake up everyone, we are in the wild! The more we try to conform to the "cultural" view of the "world" the more we lose our God-given power! I remember growing up and the huge concern was for the rainforest, lol. Save the animals. Save the trees. We are in the same boat as those trees and animals.