Sunday, March 27, 2016

#LentABC : Part 2

Second half on my Lent Photo-A-Day challenge is up!
I was just in love with this promotion by our American Baptist!
Day 21: Shadow

Day 22: Emptiness

Day 23: Thirst

Day 24: Search
Day 25: Beloved
Day 26: Wise
Day 27: Confession
 Day 28: Mercy

Day 29: Forgiveness

Day 30: Cup
Day 31: Still
Day 32: Sorrow
Day 33: Transform
 Day 34: Prepare
Day 35: Truth

Day 36: Hope
Day 37: Solidarity
Day 38: Restore
Day 39: Believe
Day 40: Entrance
Day 41: Anoint
Day 42: Solitude
Day 43: Grief
Day 44: Meal
Day 45: Cross
Day 46: Wait
Day 47: Life

Monday, March 21, 2016

Winter Jam

     Winter Jam was phenomenal!!! It was worth standing in line to get in, but next year I will definitely be leaving earlier!!!!! I found two new bands to listen to, and I got to see For King & Country!!

For King & Country
      The thing I love the most... it's church! Several of the performers said it Friday night, "We are in church!" People from every walk of life sitting (mainly standing) worshiping Christ is nothing short of heaven. To hear the Word preached with such love, conviction, and devotion will absolutely move your soul.
     Evidently Lauren Daigle is a huge thing, it was amusing to hear the banter on that all night. I got to hear my two favorite songs from Crowder: Lift Your Head Weary Sinner and I Saw The Light! I am now in love with Newsong and Red (new-new favorite)!
     Believe it or not even standing in line was awesome! There are always the people who keep to themselves, but thankfully in our case we had an awesome group behind us as excited to get in as us. I wish I could drag everybody I know to these experiences.  The singing, praising, praying, and messages were just...perfect. It's the worship experience I have been craving- true, raw, freedom to be in Christ.
     I am striving to attend at least a concert a year. You have to be careful though, because these worship experiences can become addicting in a way. Going to concerts and huge group conferences, like Joyce Meyer's Love Life, are not everyday worship experiences and are not meant to be. Some people become addicted to the mountain high they get at these events and forget to dive into the daily-fed worship that we should have with God.
     I am planning to see Rend Collective in April with my friend Cindy! Also, Winter Jam announced something happening in July at D.C.  It's called Together 2016! Inviting all Christians from all over to stand together in worship and prayer to God for our country!!!!! How amazing?!?!?! Seriously, planning a road trip for it!

Woke up challenged!

I woke up this morning so excited to wear my new shirt from Winter Jam (thank you Newsong)!

Almost problem was that the devil was working hard-
I actually second guessed wearing this to work today!

     I have never wasted a minute thinking about whether I should or should not put on anything proclaiming my Lord. I just haven't... until today. That is upsetting to me, but very eye-opening.
     It made me very aware of how thankful I should be for my employer. It upset me that there are a lot of places this would not be acceptable. It made me very mad that this is actually a choice that Christians have to be concerned about.
     I love that I have so many customers that come through who are encouraged by what I wear or encourage me. I am not ashamed of my faith, but I was ashamed this morning that I was scared to wear this shirt.

     I understand and respect the need for dress codes at work; I truly do. It just had me thinking all the way to work this morning about how many things I would not be able to wear if I worked somewhere else, what I take for granted, and how different my life could be just from a restriction to "materially" expressing my faith. I know our world is getting ridiculous... What would I do?

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Céad Míle Fáilte

"A hundred thousand welcomes."

It is my second, or maybe my third, favorite holiday!
17 days in to March and I am finally posting- miracles happen!
I am super excited about everything that is getting ready to happen!
     Two weeks ago I wrapped up another class for CLI! (WOOT!) I loved that class- Youth and Young Adult Ministries! The entire class I could just feel God pushing me and saying "go do it Kelli!" So I took inspiration from class and put together a skit that my youth group is going to perform for Palm Sunday!!! It is called "We Want Barabbas" and it is Barabbas's point of view from Mark 15:6-15.
     I am super excited about it, but I have to tell you they certainly taught me a lot the past two weeks. Tonight we are meeting for the third time (ever!) and this will be our last rehearsal before Sunday. When I wrote the skit it broke my heart. My passion for God and writing really met in this skit. I was-still am- scared that it means more to me than the teens right now. I am accepting that that is ok. It is the way of it.
     Then tomorrow night we are all going to Winter Jam!!!! I am so kick-butt excited about it!
I will have a full review up asap!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

#LentABC : Part 1

If you don't follow me on Instagram or FB I am taking part in a 40 day #LentABC photo challenge promoted ABC Home Missions. I am enjoying it immensely because taking the entire day to think about what the word truly means to me each day is very connecting to God.
Day 1: Journey
Day 2: Human
Day 3: Alone

Day 4: Injustice

Day 5: Covenant
Day 6: Path
Day 7: Wilderness

Day 8: Tell
Day 9: Silence
Day 10: Wonder
Day 11: Doubt
Day 12: Bless

Day 13: Prayer
Day 14: Hear
Day 15: Follow

Day 16: Prophet
Day 17: Mystery
Day 18: Practice

Day 19: Healing

Day 20: Brokeness

Here's the first half of my Lent photo challenge!
Check back in another 20 days and you'll see the second half! ;)