Thursday, October 29, 2015

Check yourself

     The past two weeks I have been going through my facebook and pinterest pages. I am growing in my relationship with God, and things I used to do or say don't reflect me accurately today. Some days my language still catches me off guard. I do work at a company of truck drivers and we are human.
     The message Sunday got me thinking. I have recently been called out as living a lie because I don't share or like things on facebook that I would have before "becoming a church person." Becoming a Christian is not about "loosing yourself" or "becoming something you're not." I feel like that I am more "me" now than I ever have been in my life. I don't live with fear of the world disapproving of me. I have been accused of the cliché that I have changed since becoming a Christian....truth. You cannot become a follower of Christ without changing=impossible! The cliché is that these people think I have totally changed from me...
     I know myself better, I trust my "gut"/Holy Spirit, my faith is stronger, and I have let go of hurt and anger. Does that really make me a horrible person now? Just because I am not posting/liking/pinning vulgar/sexual things does not mean I am not me. If I had a daughter I would not  want her to post such things so why should I?
    I encourage you to go through the pages you've like on facebook and the things you've pinned on pinterest... Is that what you want to represent of yourself? I can be a Christian and cosplay- I did not take my cosplay board down.
     I am not forcing my way of life on anyone. I just want respected. I am not adding on things to follow Christ. I am peeling away the layers of the world that I had to add over time to exist here. That is not who I want to be.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Life Changing Prayer!

As my last post mentioned I gave my first sermon to a congregation a little over a week ago (11th). I am still reeling from it, lol. People assume that when pastors give sermons that they already have it all figured out. When I started sitting down and working on my sermons I started to realize those messages were about changing my heart just as much as they were meant to change the heart of the recipients. I knew and was educated on what I was going to bring, but the process is a reminder to check the application in our lives. That we are living what we are saying.
     My sermon was on prayer. Especially praying for others. Paul started all of his letters with a prayer and thanksgiving for the recipient of his letters. He prayed diligently for God's Will in others lives. I believe that is a life changing prayer.
     Since I gave my sermon I have pushed myself to go further with my prayer life. Every morning I ask my son to pray with me for his daddy. He loves it and is starting to add to his own words instead of repeating me. I have strived to promote praying for others on my facebook page. Yesterday I requested that everyone comment their prayer request, and I amazed by the requests I received. Plus, I truly enjoyed spending my free time at work praying hard for these people. It improved my day, and I felt very accomplished. Tomorrow my challenge to myself is to ask a stranger while I'm out if I can pray for them. That is going to take serious strength from God. I am not comfortable approaching unknown people about God. That is my weakness.
     Let's not mistake that this is easy though. Prayer is our main communication to God. The devil and the world do not take kindly to growing closer to God. Tuesday after my sermon I had problems with my bank account- my card was scammed and I had charges that were not mine. After the request for prayer requests yesterday I woke up to find my bank had an error in their system and my account was messed up most of the morning. God is good and faithful though because he has fixed both of these incidents!! The devil wants to pull us down, but we have to stay strong and keep the communication with God open so he can work in our lives.
     I am still praying, cleaning, and searching my house for an area that I can turn into my "prayer closet." We have a small home that needs all the storage we can get and cleaning our an entire closet would not fly with my husband very well, lol.

Monday, October 12, 2015

'War Room' review:

     I just got back from seeing War Room at the theater with my best friend.... AMAZING!!!!
I thank God for everyone who took part in this movie and brought it to fruition. It has blessed me so much! I pray everyone watch this and that they take something from it! Having just given my first sermon from our pulpit yesterday (and on praying for others) this is such a Godly timing!
     Priscilla Shirer is an amazing Godly woman. I saw her three years ago when I went to the huge Joyce Meyer Women's Conference- she was inspiring and to see her in this movie... They could not have cast a better person! I related so much with her character it truly brought me to tears. This movie has moved me to recommit myself to praying for my husband, son, and our home. That I have to get out of God's way. I am often reminded that I am my own worst enemy, and this movie has truly opened my eyes to my calling as wife and daughter of God. I would highly encourage this for any couple, or even to see it on your own if your relationship is not in a place where you both can experience this. I went with my best friend, and the movie demonstrates that it doesn't "take two" it just takes you and God. You have to start somewhere. Even if you have a good prayer life or had a good prayer life this reminds us to rededicate ourselves and the power of prayer! I want to take every married woman I know to this movie and feel their hearts change. War Room shows us that the battle is not against our spouses, but against the devil.
This has to be one of my favorite quotes from the whole movie!
Hopefully one day I will be in a position to share my whole experience that relates me, but for now I ask for prayers and as always feel free to contact me privately if you want to talk.