Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bring on the Haters

John 15:18-19New International Version (NIV)

The World Hates the Disciples

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Never forget there is a greater purpose to our lives!
Always remember that we don't want to the world to love us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Star Wars.... at a church near you?

     Well, today is the big day, lol. I am going to preach my first sermon tonight. A lot of shock and awe at the church tonight probably. I've never heard a Star Wars sermon before, but I am trying it.

     Why did I think I could preach, lol? I don't like public speaking, lol. Funny statistic though- most preachers or evangelist were originally shy and not good with standing up in front of people. Sad to admit, but I don't believe I have ever prayed as hard as I have been doing since Saturday. So nervous, and just praying that God uses me and I can honor Him.
     Maybe by the end of the week I will get my sermon posted on here. I give all preachers credit- it is definitely not as easy as it looks, lol. I just keep reminding myself what my instructor told me, "no matter if I do bad or good the Holy Spirit is working."
     It was a God-thing this morning that while running late and trying to get ready I found a random business card that I had written this on the back of over a year ago...

        Luke 10:42
        No matter what happens, if you have chosen to follow God you will always be blessed.
        Choosing God means it can never be taken from us.

*That is not the actual verse. This was written as a footnote to my study Bible for this verse. It is talking about when Jesus went to the home of Mary and Martha. Martha was busy with preparations and was upset that Mary was just sitting at Jesus' feet.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Trivia Crack?

Catching up on my games just now and I was super excited to have this question!  

Friday, May 15, 2015


I just found the coolest thing ever!

Totally based on the Bible!
Found this on Amazon (^link).
     They have manga books based off the entire Bible. They are broken down into 5 books that go through the Bible. I am so beyond excited about getting these. I know a girl in our church right now that would love these as well!
     Seeing things like this make me excited for the Gospel! There are people out there who realize we need to connect with this generation on their level to bring them the Good News. Though my son is still a toddler he loves looking at my manga books, and this is something that would be easy to read and teach him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mission Statement

Mission for the Church:
To Be Missionaries.

We should be exploring ways to share God with people.

It should be our job as THE church to touch as many people as possible with the word and love of God! This means meeting children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and elderly where they are! Not necessarily bringing them to God, but taking God to them!

I was not raised in church. I can remember being there for Vacation Bible School, having my Girl Scout meetings here, and WRE (Weekly Religious Education a program we had with school). That church  has always felt like home. No matter how old I am, when I step in that church I know every nook and cranny, and it feels right! I want others to feel the same. I believe a big part of that starts with children.

From personal expreiance- if a child wants to come to church, help them. Don't try to convince the parent to come just offer to pick up the child. If you can show the child the impact of God's love you will in turn draw in the parent. What parent turns down a child eager to share something with them? Once the parent comes then you show them God by making church relatable. Have a date night for families. You give the parents alone time or even adult time, and at the same time you are watching the children and sharing with them. As well, you are showing the whole family that the church and it's people are there for comfort and support! Work out a deal with a bowling alley and host an event for teens and young adults there, then share God with them there!

Part of my personal struggle going to church a few years ago was because I thought that I did not belong. To me there was a stigma to being a "church person." I have tattoos, I cuss, I dress revealingly, I was in a sexual relationship, and I felt stupid for not knowing the Bible. In my eyes I had to change all of myself before I would be welcome there, but it was truly experiancing God's love that changed me.

We have to show people that God's love does not judge, it just is. Jesus went to the people. He also told his disciples, "be fishers of men," Matthew 4:19. Are we as a church being "fishers of men?" Or are we sitting on our bums waiting for them to come to us?

This comes to me from our sermons the past few months. As one said, "we are disciples, we come in love and spread the good news." Another phrase that has stayed in my heart- "keep your eyes on the prize." We should be taking each step forward with our eyes on God, not on our job or the hateful neighbor. We should walk the footsteps of Jesus and show God's love to the world in our actions and I believe that He will provide and protect us in the process as an individual and as His church.

I think churches need to broaden their activities to reach others. We should be using activities and the current culture to share God's word. Hasn't every situation you gone through been found in the Bible? It's the proof and faith that, "hey, you can get through this- it has been done before." We should be sharing this with people. We deserve to give children these roots, they are our next generation. All children and especially adults deserve to know that God loves them above all else! They need the faith that God is always there for them.

So, is the church being fishers of men??

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful women out there raising kids
(whether they be fur-babies or humans, lol).
     Personally, Mother's Days have always had a sad tune for me. Whom I would consider my mother is my Grandmother. She was there for me in the years that really mattered in my development. I have some really good memories of my mom prior to when we moved in with my grandparents, but it is really hard to profess love to my mother when she really shut me down growing up. I am praying and working through it, but days like today leave me wishing I had something I could say about my mother.
     My greatest fear growing up was being exactly like my mom, and treating my kids how I was treated. I struggle with that everyday with my son. It's a blessing in a way, I am so conscious of what I do with him and how I treat him.
     I am not accustomed to praise, but for some reason this holiday has me seeking assurance that I am doing good with my son. I know we all as parents are realistically doing that almost daily, but with my "relationship" with my mother it really hits home on this holiday.
     My son is too little still to really understand the holiday, but I feel real shallow when I have to go to the store to buy my own flowers. (I also bought myself candy for spite.) That was the other bummer about yesterday I was told that the day is not about honoring spouses, but your own mother.
Not to be honored in my own home except by myself is really depressing, lol. It reminds me of my issues with my mother. If you are not worthy to be honored than you must be doing something wrong.
     I spent my day in prayer. Church service was awesome this morning, and my little guy went up to participate which made me so happy. It was truly another day of the week just with more prayer. Ground myself in the love of the Lord is the best solution. My dad did come over for dinner. It was nice to get a card from him. He reminds me that I am me, and everything is worth it.
I am so happy I have my son.
God truly knew what he was doing blessing me with a little boy to connect with.

Friday, May 8, 2015


Have you ever seen this before?
I found this on Facebook one day.
Sometimes you realize that you need the right example to make a point.
This one went into the "mommy-back-pocket".
Unfortunately, I had to use this on an adult.
I am a very forgiving and trusting person.
It takes A LOT for me to be done with people in the aspect of trusting them.
I, unfortunately, have two people in my immediate family who have lost my trust completely.
I used to accept the blame that these ruined relationships were my fault. It hurt a lot.
The feeling that you can never trust what they say, question the sincerity of their actions, and deep down know that you cannot truly count on them for even simple things because of their selfish actions. How did I ever blame myself? I thank God for His love every day.
The hardest thing to understand sometimes is that people don't realize their actions change things.
The plate will never be whole again, and as for these relationships of mine....
They will never be what they were before.
I pray constantly for these two people...that one day they will know God's love and understand.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

National Day of Prayer

If you work with an accountant all day you will become good at numbers.
If you work with a chef all day you will become good with food.
If you work with a carpenter all day you will learn not to miss the nail.
If you go to the Lord in pray you will learn to be more like Jesus.
Lord, I pray we all go back to you.
That we learn only through you and with you will we accomplish your will.
Turn our nation and our world back towards following you God.
Bless Your Kingdom on this earth.

Friday, May 1, 2015

That's what the world needs...

Do you know that my generation (I'm middle twenties), my parent's generation, and the generations after me are missing from church... what's funny is the people in church right now are scratching their heads asking, "how do we get them back?"

Working on my Star Wars sermon and others based around current culture I have people saying to me "that's what the world needs."
Then, why are we not already preaching them?!
Have "churches" become so rigid with rules, ritual, and assumptions on how we are supposed to worship God that they have forgot the point? I believe so.
I feel like such a rebel for my thoughts, lol, but isn't that THE point? Jesus Christ was a rebel. He broke the mold, and basically said that the mold was not the point...
If it isn't working why are we carrying it on?
Did Jesus start his ministry in a church?

It's funny... if you watch people and other churches you can see God working, but they can't.
For instance, I have friends in another church. Their church is very nice, you can definitely see the Holy Spirit moving it. The past year I have watched and listened to the changes that are happening in that church. People are being moved away from it- not because it is bad, but because God needs them elsewhere. It is sad when change happens, and it stinks when friends move away. I kind of  look at the church at the moment and see Tower of Babel... There are so many gifted people at that church, and they are building that church up and the Word of God... BUT like God scattering the people of Babel Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matt 28:19).
I see this church raising people up, but they are not sending them out! They are sitting on them. If you are not going to send people out to be disciples then those people need to be training others. Kelli opinion- God doesn't want that many of His people sitting under one roof when there are sooooo many people & CHURCHES who need them! I see a calling on some peoples lives, but some people just want to sit and be fed....

I want a rebel church. I want a church that will break the mold, shatter peoples concepts, and reestablish the joy of serving God! That is what the world needs!!!!