Friday, May 27, 2016

My UNbirthday party

Last Sunday I had my UNbirthday Tea Party!!

I had too much fun! It was a painting party, and I got to design my painting for the event- it was epic!

I made "Cheshire" origami gift bags.
I put a lollipop, tea, and a glow stick in each one!
Lemon bars, s'moreos, cheesecake, teacup cakes, colored deviled eggs...
I had it all going on!!
Also, my AMAZING husband made me my Mad Hatter hat!

I, of course, asked everyone to dress up!
I didn't want to be the only crazy at my party!
God Bless my grandmother! She used her Easter bunny outfit for the white rabbit!
My party was epic!
I now have a slight
addiction to have many,
many, many more!!
Look out my lady friends!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Why we DO.

I preached again!
I preached on Matthew 4:18-20 (NIV), and following your calling.
     The two weeks I spent working on my sermon were hard. I truly started at A and ended on Q. My sermon was not what I started with or where I thought it would end. Between working through some personal situations and situations I am watching my church go through I am shocked by how much God led me through. It was a good "walk" for me though. I followed God through every step of it, and that turned out to be my sermon. God will make you walk the talk!
     I decided the following Monday that I am looking in to getting a video recorder more substantial than my cell phone; I wish I had it recorded to share. All I have is the audio recording and I am working on making a video to put on youtube-maybe. (We will see how that goes.)

I realized two things in the middle of my sermon (actually toward the end).
     1- I was uncomfortable on the stage and behind a stand. It felt slightly wrong from the start. Part of my two weeks leading up to that Sunday was mentally preparing myself to step into that "spot". Do not mistake that statement as a disregard for the pulpit. It was realizing a part of following my calling. That is not my preaching zone or style. Whatever you want to attribute it to- different generation, etc. That is just not my true called way to preach.
     2- Why am I doing this?! Dang good question. The point of our calling is not what we do, but WHY we do! I am not going to pastor teenagers for glory or to relive my younger years or even to crow that I am doing the impossible. I am doing it because I was hurt by a church as a teenager.

Story time...
     I was 12yrs old. I wanted to find a youth group. A time in my life when I wanted friendship and a form of family. Friends were moving away, I was going from elementary to Jr. High, meeting lots of new people, my self-esteem was pretty much in shreds, and the bottom line of it all was that I wanted to know and understand God and find like-minded kids my age.
     My mom's friend went to church and took her sons. She offered to take me with them when they went on Wednesday nights for their own groups (her sons were younger than me). I accepted the offer happily. I went to three meetings.
     The first time I went I fell in love. I had fun, learned, made friends, and was excited about going back. The second time was just as fun. They were starting to put together their fundraising for their yearly fall ski trip. I was super excited to join. On the third night though, after everything was over and everybody was getting ready to leave, the youth pastor pulled me aside. He explained to me that until I joined the church and started coming to service on Sunday's I would not be able to actually go on the ski trip, but he fully encouraged me to stay signed up for the fundraiser events and to keep coming on Wednesday nights.
     I left that night and didn't look back. It was a long time before I looked at church.
Church-burn happens to everybody! That's another matter for another time though.
That is why I do. I don't want any teenager to feel ignored, pushed out, belittled, etc. Not even just teenagers- I don't want anybody to feel that way ever!
The only stupid questions are the questions that are not asked! I want to be asked. I want to do the asking!
All I desperately want is to follow God and His will for my life! At all costs I will endeavor to do so!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Blessing!

This morning I went to my sister's church.
I cannot express how excited I was about today!! I have been waiting all week!
Today, my baby sister dedicated her boys!!!
My heart just bursts with pride and joy for her.
I'm still praying through the issues I have about this holiday, but today was not for me. Today was truly about my sister! She took a huge step today, and I was so honored to be there with her and see it. I was saddened that our family wasn't there, but my son and I were! The way her church handled dedication, and just their service in general was awesome this morning and an honor! At the end they invited the church leaders and anybody to approach the parents and children to pray over them. It took me a nanosecond to decide that I was heading up there! My sister is a good momma to my two super adorable nephews and I thank God that she has found a good man to step up and be there with her, and that she is putting her foot forward! All I ever wanted for her was peace, love, and happiness! I should not have been surprised, but she picked the most perfect motto and verse for her family! Stay #ontarget little love you got this!!!

There is something that I want all mothers out there to know:
You are worthy,
You are enough,
You are tired
-that is ok,
I love you,
God loves you,
God is proud of you,
The struggle is real,
Stand tall,
Don't give up,
Don't let defeat win,
Sometimes our only true calling is the little person we are raising- just like Mary!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

National Day of Prayer

     What are you praying for today?

     Today is the 65th Annual National Day of Prayer. Today we pray for our nation! Today in your prayers give thanks for the men and women who pushed and supported this bill!

     You should do yourself a favor and go check out their website:
I learned a lot of amazing information this week going through their website. For example, every year they have a theme and verse. This year's verse is Isaiah 58:1a (NIV) "Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet." What a perfect verse! Also, on Thursday, May 8, 1988, Ronald Reagan signed into law Public Law 100-307 the designation of the first Thursday in May as the annual observance for the National Day of Prayer! Then, Bill Clinton signed into law - Pub. L. 105-225, August 12, 1998, 112 Stat. 1258: The President shall issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a National Day of Prayer on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.

     Something that hurts me as a Christian is that non-Christians assume "separation of Church and State" means to abolish "church." I find it hilarious that if they only knew that Baptists came up with "freedom of religion." Our once great nation was founded by Godly men on Godly principles. Men who prayed before making decisions about our country. Men who actively sought God's Will in our the leading of our country. A good book (so I'm told-it's on my TBR list) to read is The Jefferson Lies. It's about exposing the lies people have perpetuated about Thomas Jefferson. I pray one day we get back to that place in our nation.

So today at noon I will kneel with millions of people in
prayer for our nation! May God Bless us.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Official Voter!

I voted Tuesday!!

     My first time voting and I have to tell you what you already know- it was hard! I spent all day Monday and until I went Tuesday to vote researching the candidates on the ballot and praying.
     One of my deepest prayers the past couple of months has been for our Christian nation to rise up! I was so excited Tuesday to see through social media so many of my friends voting! I have hope things are going to turn around this year! I will admit to being upset a little when I saw that Trump won for Indiana. I was expecting more people would be following God's call in our state, but God's Will will prevail! Of that I have no doubt.
     There is this amazing event happening this summer that I encourage you to go to: Reset 2016! It's a calling for all Christians to go to D.C. this July and fill the mall so we can pray for our country to go back to following God!! HOW AMAZING?!?!?! I am really hoping to go, but my husband is leery of the possible bad things that can happen. Which I, myself, am nervous about as well. I just think this even is a great stand for our country! So many big name people will be there speaking and performing. Can you imagine what the Holy Spirit will be like that day?! I can't fathom it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Hello, hello!
It's only been like two weeks...

     So, Kelli has been a busy bee through the month of April! That's only leading into May and June, my two of four busiest months, yikes!
     Been doing a lot of thinking and evaluating. Rule one to any good blog/vlog... schedule! The follower wants to know when they can count on something new. I have been a sorry disappointment in this area with my blog. I originally started with the idea that my followers would be subscribers so my erratic schedule would not be a problem because everybody would get the email when I posted... silly Kelli.
     So I am putting myself out there with this announcement:
 Every Thursday will have a post!!
Ta-da! I did it. There it is. *Phew!*
Now for part two:
     Working on the website for my conservation club and another Christian site I really sat down and asked myself: "what do I look for first?" I evaluated searched, and polled for the important guts to a site. I found myself seeing that the most important things I look for were not necessarily in my site!
     So second announcement:
New things are coming!!
     What do I mean new things? Well, if you look up ^^ you will see a new tab starting today. This is my first movement forward! It is my "About Me" section. You can read about what I believe and a little about who I am.
     More tabs will be on the way! As a new/growing Christian sometimes the hardest thing is to find sound reading/learning material. I plan to share "my library" and "resources" with you all! As time goes on maybe I will have more things to share, but for today I wanted to let you know that I am still here and many posts are on their way!!