Friday, June 26, 2015

Write a Thank You Letter

     If you look around today's world you can experience that gratitude seems to be an archaic concept.
It is very sad. Generations are growing up to believe that things are a given and their "right" to be demanded. As Christians our biggest job is to show people the love of God, and to plant and water the seeds of God in others.
     The beauty is that sometimes we have no idea if we touched someone at all. Think about growing a flower for a minute. The seed gets planted and all we can do is make sure to water it and protect it from the weather. We have no idea if that seed is going to grow at all. We hope and pray that a beautiful flower springs forth, but we truly have knowledge if it will happen.
     Do you remember who planted the idea of God or going to church in you? Was it a stranger, a grandmother, a Pastor, or even your child? Did you ever thank them?
     With my son going to VBS this week I have thought a lot about a lady named Nina Burnett. This amazing, Godly woman showed me my salvation. For six summers she picked me up and took me to VBS at her church, were she helped in the kitchen, and then she would drop me back off at home.
     I can remember because of her taking me that I wanted to go to church on Sundays so bad. I would be up at the crack of dawn (because an 8yr old doesn't know when church starts) and dress in my prettiest clothes and sit in the living room and wait for everyone to get up so we could go. We never went. Now, as an adult looking back, I bet if I had asked her just once to pick me she would have.
     Even ten years later when I would see her in town she remembered my name. In turn, she always made me think of God. This woman never got to see the fruits her labor in me. She never received a thank you from me for the path she started me down over 20yrs ago.

Write a thank you letter to the person who started you on your path.
You deserve it, and so do they.
     I was fortunate that when I was baptized there was a very Godly man in our church who came up to me and offered me anything I needed and that he was proud of me. I was able to send him a card right before he passed away. Finally, I sat down one night this week and wrote a letter to Nina. She will never physically receive this letter, but I know that while I was writing it and praying that somehow she knew. God was with me, and so was she. If she was still here today I would nothing more than for her to take my son to VBS, although she would be 80 this year, lol.

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