Friday, May 1, 2015

That's what the world needs...

Do you know that my generation (I'm middle twenties), my parent's generation, and the generations after me are missing from church... what's funny is the people in church right now are scratching their heads asking, "how do we get them back?"

Working on my Star Wars sermon and others based around current culture I have people saying to me "that's what the world needs."
Then, why are we not already preaching them?!
Have "churches" become so rigid with rules, ritual, and assumptions on how we are supposed to worship God that they have forgot the point? I believe so.
I feel like such a rebel for my thoughts, lol, but isn't that THE point? Jesus Christ was a rebel. He broke the mold, and basically said that the mold was not the point...
If it isn't working why are we carrying it on?
Did Jesus start his ministry in a church?

It's funny... if you watch people and other churches you can see God working, but they can't.
For instance, I have friends in another church. Their church is very nice, you can definitely see the Holy Spirit moving it. The past year I have watched and listened to the changes that are happening in that church. People are being moved away from it- not because it is bad, but because God needs them elsewhere. It is sad when change happens, and it stinks when friends move away. I kind of  look at the church at the moment and see Tower of Babel... There are so many gifted people at that church, and they are building that church up and the Word of God... BUT like God scattering the people of Babel Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matt 28:19).
I see this church raising people up, but they are not sending them out! They are sitting on them. If you are not going to send people out to be disciples then those people need to be training others. Kelli opinion- God doesn't want that many of His people sitting under one roof when there are sooooo many people & CHURCHES who need them! I see a calling on some peoples lives, but some people just want to sit and be fed....

I want a rebel church. I want a church that will break the mold, shatter peoples concepts, and reestablish the joy of serving God! That is what the world needs!!!!

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