Monday, January 2, 2017


A New Year - a new me - literally.
     So much happened in 2016. On one hand I was so blessed through all of it. On the other, I am so grateful it is over. As you can see below my last post was at the start of June. Here's a quick recap of what happened since then.

June: We had our 29th Annual Traditional Nationals Archery weekend. I had some issues with my diabetes and had to switch back to the insulin pen during this month and stayed on it till Aug.
July: The weekend of the 4th I was in an accident that totaled my Vibe. My husband and I found out that I was pregnant.
August: My son started Kindergarten, and had to switch sitters.
September: My church celebrated it's 150th anniversary in ministry!
October: We found out a bad situation with my pregnancy, and we lost the baby.
November: I started Physical Therapy due to complications from loosing the baby. My husband's uncle passed away Thanksgiving day. I graduated Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program.
December: I directed our church's annual Craft Fair. I preached during Advent. Both my husband I had vehicle problems.

     So much more happened in all that time. I had classes every month, family (wide-camera-lens family) issues, church and work responsibilities, and the regular wife/mom stuff. I let myself free from certain constraints. The stress and blessings I was going through made me let go of the control I fight so hard for. Following God means being able to change/adapt on a dime some days, and even moment to moment. 2016 caused my life to change a lot. For the better- always for the better, but never-the-less change. My word for 2016 was change. I knew 2016 would bring it, but I wasn't prepared for the full extent. I don't regret it though. The change swept through our little family, and the last half of 2016 taught me the truest since of it. It was a challenge at first, but come December I felt so free to just be whatever or whenever He wanted me to. My relationship with my husband has grown incredibly stronger the past few months, and this freedom I have found has been key to it.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."    -Romans 8:28  NIV

     The one thing I know without a doubt through everything that has happened the last six months is that God has been right beside me, loved me, and grew me in everything. I never questioned His will. I may have questioned why I didn't question Him, but that explanation will be in a later post.

     Going in to 2017 I have a break from my classes. I have realized God gave me this gift; this Intentional opportunity to spend more time with Him, my husband, my son, and especially my writing. I have quite a few sermons I am going to work through and finish. I, also, have a lot of writings I plan to finish for this blog and get posted.

     I am going to have at least one post a week for a few months. I will explain the major things that happened last year as they reflect the growth God got me through. Plus, I have some good writings I've had trolling around my head I will finally get out on paper ( to share with everyone.
I am excited and anxious to start this New Year!
2017 with be intentionally great!

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