Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Blessing!

This morning I went to my sister's church.
I cannot express how excited I was about today!! I have been waiting all week!
Today, my baby sister dedicated her boys!!!
My heart just bursts with pride and joy for her.
I'm still praying through the issues I have about this holiday, but today was not for me. Today was truly about my sister! She took a huge step today, and I was so honored to be there with her and see it. I was saddened that our family wasn't there, but my son and I were! The way her church handled dedication, and just their service in general was awesome this morning and an honor! At the end they invited the church leaders and anybody to approach the parents and children to pray over them. It took me a nanosecond to decide that I was heading up there! My sister is a good momma to my two super adorable nephews and I thank God that she has found a good man to step up and be there with her, and that she is putting her foot forward! All I ever wanted for her was peace, love, and happiness! I should not have been surprised, but she picked the most perfect motto and verse for her family! Stay #ontarget little love you got this!!!

There is something that I want all mothers out there to know:
You are worthy,
You are enough,
You are tired
-that is ok,
I love you,
God loves you,
God is proud of you,
The struggle is real,
Stand tall,
Don't give up,
Don't let defeat win,
Sometimes our only true calling is the little person we are raising- just like Mary!

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