Monday, September 29, 2014

for King & Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Thursday night was amazing!!!!!!!!!!
     I went to the for King & Country concert with my best friend Cindy! I loved it! If you have never seen them- you must! I love their music and have been wanting to see them for two years.  

     I had so much fun!! The whole experience at the concert was just awesome! First off- I was shocked by the amount of adults/older generation that were there. I wasn't expecting that generation there. Second- I was moved by how many teenagers were there also, lol. That sounds like I didn't expect anyone to be there. It's just that sometimes in today's world you wonder about the next generation. (That's left for another day though.)
     During the Q&A someone asked what they would say to teenagers who are having problems staying strong in the face of our world.... Joel's advice was this: 'Know the truth and pursue the truth. "What is good, what is right, what is true..." Follow the truth as closely as possible, and lean on those who know the truth.'  I wish I had someone who said that to me when I was I high school. It is something that I will hold on to. They are a really good band. They love God, value family (their parents, and Luke's wife and son travel with them), and they are huge supporters of Compassion International. I will definitely see them in concert again!

     I first found for King & Country on youtube when I was searching for Christian music and they just released their video for "The Proof of Your Love"... life changing! The song and the video are life should watch! ;)

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