That was my Facebook post last week.
Why is it so hard to go to God or act Christian when we feel pushed away in the earthly world? It's not like we're to establish our worth on earthly things/affection. "I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world." -John 17:14
We are in the world, but not of the world.
How in today's age do we feel ignored? I have 152 friends on Facebook, right?
Random trivia: When did Americans start to become more isolated??? A: The invention of air conditioning. Americans went from sitting on their front porches to sitting inside. Then came radio, TV, cell phones, computers, the Walkman, CDs, and finally in 1992 the first text message. Then, at some point after that we got MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, Instagram, online dating, etc. How in the world can I feel so isolated with all these people and things to keep me occupied? Feel where this is going? We have become creatures of distraction and instant gratification.
You want to know something weird? When I feel ignored and I am not able to get anywhere for some people interaction- I isolate myself further. I ignore those who are ignoring me, and go off by myself. Mostly to try and convince myself that I didn't need their attention, and so I don't talk about them when I'm in that negative mood. Sometimes to try and find my happy place, and restore my self esteem. Not enough times am I trying to find my balance, one-on-one time, and love with God.
Let's define ignore...
Ignore: v. 1) refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally 2) fail to consider
How does a child feel ignored? Their parents do not play with them, acknowledge them, talk to them, or spend physical time with them. "Mommy is always tired." "Daddy always works."
How does a significant other feel ignored? They do not talk/text/call (communicate), acknowledge, or spend physical time together. What are we too busy doing? Work, friends, school, phones (apps), Facebook, hobbies, or gaming (mmorpg). [It must be stated that I am not bashing anyone. I am human, and have well qualified for all of these distractions at one point or another. This is written from personal experience as well as observations from my circle of peeps/community/etc.]
We also get ignored at work, with friends, in public at stores, while driving, with extended family, and so on. Being ignored hurts, and it personally makes me really mad. I think it's my number one tick. Someone refusing to acknowledge me...grrr. Some will say, "maybe you're too demanding and need to learn patience." Possible, patience is not a strong suit of mine, but in a world of instant gratification does anyone have patience? We as humans need physical, engaged relationships. It's a given. Everyone is ultimately looking for somebody to be close with, whether just a super BFF or a spouse, we need that companionship. As we develop more and more ways to "technologically advance" ourselves we are in the same token isolating ourselves. Then one day we look up and ask, "what is our world coming to?" We can't "understand" how our children are loosing basic morals, can't socialize, or refuse to leave the house; but we're pushing the next great game in their face or next fantastical phone that does everything for you into their hands. [Another clarification: I am not an anarchist looking to send us back to the stone age!] Technology is great. I do love it, without it I would not be posting this while listening to YouTube in the background...
Are you seeing what I am saying though? It's not just our children either. How many people in relationships feel ignored in favor of work, gaming, school, or even Netflix? Now what does the ignored party do? They find something else or somebody else to fill the need.
Now let's back up some paragraphs...
"Not enough times am I trying to find my balance, one-on-one time, and love with God." "Why is it so hard to go to God or act Christian when we feel pushed away in the earthly world? It's not like we're to establish our worth on earthly things/affection."
True. That goes against what you said about humans needing affections. No. It does not.
We need/want affection, but we are not supposed to place the entire world on that sentiment. Our worth is not even based on human affections. Those are comforts for the earthly world. We are to realize in those moments of being ignored that we aren't feeling God. We're going to say it again: When we feel ignored we are not feeling God. I'm not saying we are never going to feel ignored ever again as a Christian. What I am saying is that we have to realize what is happening in that moment. "I feel ignored- my husband hasn't texted me back all day." Ok, now what? "I feel really sad and mad, but I remember John 14:27 (Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.)." We have to strive to remember to go to God when we feel ignored. God does not ignore us, pray or read the Bible. Scripture has power if we turn to it.
Believing in God or being a Christian is not an instant fix. We expect for things to come easier; especially the ability to be more disciplined in reading our Bibles and praying. I expected this instant discipline that I would be reading my Bible every day for 15minutes, at least. That never happened, lol. Just like getting dressed- unless you do it, it doesn't happen. I had to pull myself out of the lonely pit last Friday. I had to remind myself why and who I was writing my paper for. I had to get my Google-Fu going and search for verses to remind myself that I was not ignored nor am I ever truly ignored. Lastly, I looked around and realized that it has become very easy for us to ignore everyone but ourselves, and it is something that we humans have done to ourselves.
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