Here are the six books I would like to get through in the next two months; titles are links to

Unoffendable, by: Brant Hansen
I listened to Brant Hansen on Air1 radio during his three year career there. I knew I had to read his book: the idea that "righteous anger" is a myth. Learning to give yourself peace by choosing to not be offended. Sounds very needed in the world today.
Dealing with Diabetes Burnout, by: Ginger Vieira
This, of course, is not for everyone, but I am very excited about reading this! Encouragement is a hard thing to get when you're a diabetic. Staying on top of everything while doing everything else is such a challenge!

Girls with Swords, by: Lisa Bevere
I love Lisa Bevere! She is a phenomenal evangelist! I have two other of her books, and I have been excited and waiting to read this one! Women need to arm themselves with the word of god! Going to be a review done on this one!

Life Together, by: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I have not heard of Dietrich Bonhoeffer until recently, but this book was recommended to me and it sounded like an excellent try! Bonhoeffer lived in WWII and was a Pastor and conspirator against Hitler. This book is about the community of believers.

360° Preaching, by: Michael Quicke
Title is pretty much self explanatory. This is for my personal development in preaching and exegesis. Several pastors in my CLI classes have recommended this to me, and I got it as a gift the end of last year. This talks a lot about approaching your sermon from all senses.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, by: Peter Scazzero
So this as a recommendation from a Christian vlogger, and it looked good. Just the tagline of the book: "It's impossible to be spiritually mature, while remaining emotionally immature." Sounds like I may get prodded for some more growing!
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