Thursday, July 16, 2015

Catching up since the Field Trip!

Have been trying to catch up since last week, lol.
Last Wednesday was a blast. We had our Kid's Field Trip for the church!
I started doing these in 2013, and they have been so much fun; we do one each year in the summer.

This year we went to an Indy Fever Game (WNBA). They played the Seattle Storm, and won.
It was mostly a girls day, except my 4yr old son went too, lol. I can't leave Bubby out of the field trips! It was a giant kids day there, and we all got balloon animals, autographed poster, hot dog lunches, and even popcorn to watch the game!! 
We were even right on the floor- third row from the team!!
Now to brainstorm for next years field trip... already did the zoo and children's museum.
Last Saturday I started classes again, How to Teach the Bible.
I love classes. I thank God I get to go to school now.
That was one of my big regrets that I could not finish college (health and financial reasons).
We shared about the learning environments of our churches and what classes our church does...
I know that I am from probably the smallest church of all the people in my class and in no way can compare to the things they do, but it makes me pray for more things at our church that I can utilize. VBS was the first big break for me meaning I didn't have to work it to enjoy it. My son got to go like he's supposed to and there were enough other moms in the community who contributed to it's function. It makes me think though, what do Pastors do for learning and growth? Being looked at always as a teacher, do they never get an environment of discussion, stimulation, and learning? That's what I'm craving now. I want to learn and discuss not always be the teacher, but I do understand that we are not to just sit and get "spiritually fat" on knowledge- I do enjoy teaching. Sometimes I really feel the give-give-give of people though. That's what class is doing for me right now; the stimulation and discussion. It really has me watching our church right now to see "what are we doing?".

Last night I preached again! I love doing this, but it is also very heavy for me.
I have such a consciousness that I am presenting the Word of God...
It's not a weight in the essence of a burden, but a weight in the essence that I now have a purpose.
It reminds me of that moment after I had my son, and they gave him to me to hold for the very first time. It's that moment when you feel as if the whole world is holding it's breath. You stare at him and finally realize down to your core that this little person in your hands is what you are supposed to do in the world. I get to the church and stand up there and it's like the whole world is once again holding it's breath waiting for me to realize that what I do next matters to it. I spend all week working on this message that God asks me to tell these people, and I get up there and want to cry because after applying the message to my life all week I realize everybody there is just as hurt and in need of these words as I was. It's humbling and miraculous and overwhelming, lol.

Now here I am... Thursday morning-ish and trying to finish the start of our church's yearly craft fair. I have got such a late start it this year it is shameful. I have mailed out information to all our previous vendors and getting ready to rally the facebook page, lol. Looking for ways to advertise this year!
I have never actually seen any advertising for craft fairs before; even when I was little!
I am trying to figure it out though, and welcome any suggestions.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Camping for the 4th!

This was my weekend!
I got to take my lil' guy camping.
My dad's side goes camping on the 4th together and it is always fun!
I love camping. My dad instilled camping in my blood at a young age, and I love so much that we all go together and spend time as a big family.
Bubby wanted to stay in his own tent this year, and his grandpa was awesome enough to let him in his tent, lol.
It was weird for me sleeping by myself this weekend. I woke up in the middle of the night aware that I was alone in the dark. It was startling. I reached for my phone thinking I'll find someone to text or talk to, and seeing 3:30am flash at me I knew no one would be awake. I instead went to my Bible App. 3:30am in the woods, reading God's word, and praying... I don't think I could have felt alone in those moments if I tried, lol.
No matter who is near us or thinking of us, physically, God never leaves us.
After that I slept like the dead, and got woken up by the best sight ever: my Bubby and breakfast already done, lol.

'Christian' Education

Christian education is not about mastery, because you cannot master a person.
Christian education is about change, because it requires you to grow to know someone.