My last class, Intro to Old Testament, our instructor brought in this book he was reading. It's one of those where you read a paragraph a day. I love the book!!! (My instructor gave me his, lol.)
The author is awesome... Frederick Buechner. The book is called Listening to Your Life.
It is a compilation from all of the books that he has written.
This is worth the whole book:
"Israel did not want to be a holy nation. Israel wanted to be a nation like
all other nations, a nation like Egypt, like Syria. She wanted clout. She
wanted security. She wanted a place in the sun. It was her own way she
wanted, not God's way; and when the prophets got after her for it, she got
rid of the prophets, and when God's demands seemed too exorbitant, God's
promises too remote, she took up with all the other gods who still get our
votes and our money and our 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. energies, because they are
gods who could not care less whether we are holy or not, and promise
absolutely everything we really want and absolutely nothing we really need."
-Frederick Buechner, The Clown in the Belfry
Was he really talking about Israel a couple thousand years ago or is he talking
about America today? Or my co-worker? Sometimes even me!