There are a handful of things that are incredibly important to me:
my son & husband
Type 1 Diabetes Awareness- specifically promoting the month of November
Like all things in our lives we live in shame and hiding of our weaknesses. Until God shows us that no matter what our weaknesses are He loves us and He will use that weakness to reach others!
I am proud to be a diabetic because you know what? It is HARD! Like those who have/had cancer this is a hard disease to live with every minute of every day for the rest of my life. To date there is no cure for T1. The shame I felt when I was diagnosed with this disease and not sharing with people was because people don't understand.
How can I expect them to understand though? Until I was diagnosed and went through the classes I didn't know what it truly was about. November is diabetes awareness month, not to purposely put us on a pedestal, but because people are not informed! It's just like our faith- people are not informed! Sometimes we expect them to understand Christ and walk into faith with open arms, but how can they when they don't know about it!
Just imagine if we had a Christ Awareness Week? How many lives would be transformed? Like D.A.R.E. week at our elementary schools we spend all five days teaching them about drugs and alcohol so they are informed to make the right decision... Are we informing the world about how to make the right decision?
No one knows whom or how anybody gets T1. Could be genetic- not proven. I am the only person in my family out of five generations to get T1, and because I have it I watch my son everyday to see if one day he will have it.
This month I am going Blue for T1! I will be posting in my blog this month other posts from bloggers who are T1 or are supporting Type 1 Awareness.